The Grand Adventure

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Of all the internet cafes in the remote Mojave Desert, we happen to have chosen the one where we can't download pictures of our trip - sorry folks, we'll have to describe it in words now, and add photos when we can.

Idyllwild, CA
After living in the S.F. Bay Area for the past 3 years, it's easy to forget that much of California truly is farmland. A 5 hour drive down the I-5 to L.A. will quickly remind you of that. A 2 hour drive across L.A. - to reach Idyllwild - will also remind you how huge and sprawling L.A. is. I think if we hadn't gotten in the carpool lane, we might still be in Glendale!
We reached Idyllwild, a small artsy mountain town, late Monday night. Tuesday morning we were able to drag ourselves out of bed and head out to Tahquitz - a huge granite rock formation just outside town. Idyllwild is at about 5,000 ft elevation, and the summit of Tahquitz is around 8,000 - so yes, we had a large elevation gain ahead of us. That elevation gain came in the form of a 1/2 hour, very very steep approach. For those of you who have climbed and hiked with us, you are probably well aware that Chris and I are not exactly speedy trailblazers....even so, this approach took just about everything out of me. I whined most of the way up....Chris whined most of the way down, but the climbing in between.....
Well, the climbing was great. We did Angels Fright, a classic 5 pitch 5.6. The rock was high quality granite, and the view on top was really amazing. The descent was a bit taxing, and after a careful examination of our state of physical fitness, we decided to - yikes! - go sport climbing the next day.

Big Rock- Lake Perris, CA
If you ever find yourself visiting family in the sprawling suburb of Lakeview, or passing through, or - well, honestly, I can't imagine a reason for wanting to come to Lakeview. But should you find yourself out that way, there is some greasy 'sport' climbing (read: 20 ft run outs) on Big Rock at Lake Perris. After backing off a super polished 5.5 - (the thought of hobbling around Europe with a broken ankle was not appealing) we found a semi-decent 5.6 called Puppy Dog. Lowering Chris a good 60 m down the cliff to try to retrieve the quickdraw we'd bailed from on the first route left him about 20 feet above it, but a combination of downclimbing, intermediate belays, and rappels brought us back to earth with our precious $13 quickdraw. After that, we cut our rest day short, and headed back to Idyllwild.


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