The Grand Adventure

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Zion National Park

Rain Rain go away. When we left Las Vegas last Saturday morning, the rain was pouring like I had never seen before in Vegas. The local Starbucks was crammed with climbers thumbing through the Joshua Tree and other guidebooks, trying to think of a new place to go. We felt pretty good about our Vegas trip, which included going up to the Stratosphere (and going on the Insanity amusement ride on top) and taking in "Mystere" a Cirque du Soleil show, on our rest day.

We moved on to Zion, one of my favorite places. Sunday we headed up "Angel's Landing," a strenuous hike that ascends over 1,000 ft to an amazing view. Strangely enough, I ran into a friend, Susan from Boston. We had climbed in Yosemite together a few years ago, she memorably lead the terrifying second pitch of Great White Book in Tuolumne- a fantastic climb. She and her partner Kate had also been rained out of Red Rocks.

After nearly 7 years of coming to Zion to hike, camp, and take in the stunning vistas, yesterday finally seemed to be the right time to attempt a couple of climbs here. Wow, I'm glad I waited! Climbing here is serious business, very much unlike Lovers Leap or some of the easier Yosemite climbs. The smooth sandstone cracks are mostly featureless, and ascent requires pure, sustained jamming for the hands and feet. Nevertheless, Cave Route 5.7 and Cherry Crack 5.9 - at the base of Cerebus Gendarme - proved to be an excellent introduction to Zion climbing.

As we climbed, we watched another climbing party making their way up Prodigal Sun 5.8 C2, one of Zion's classic Big Wall routes - where they would inevitably spend the night. I thought about them again last night as a thunderstorm rolled through the park, and a cold fog enshrouded the canyon. Hope they got off okay! Dark, wet rappelling is never fun.

So we move on, in search of sun! Bryce Canyon today and then on to the Grand Canyon, and perhaps some Arizona climbing.

Drinking in Utah: a very special experience...

"Polygamy Porter: Why Have Just One?"


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